First of all--great day back after the long break! It was good to see all of you again in class today. Here's what going on this week:
1) Sections 16.1-16.10 Wednesday and Thursday in class. Quiz over these sections on Friday.
2) Mini-lab tomorrow, then we finish up the prokaryotes. You will be given a manipulative over the three domains tomorrow in class. (That is Table 16.2 in your book, so start familiarizing yourself with the information in that table because you will have to know it.)
3) Vocabulary cards. Although I am not requiring them, I highly recommend you do them. Why? They are strong reinforcement of vocabulary taught in class. You can mix up your cards and see if you know the terms out of their 'natural habitat', i.e. not in a graphic organizer.
The only vocabulary terms you can omit from the first ten sections are: gram stain, proteobacteria, chlamydias, gram-positive bacteria
After the quiz on Friday, we will begin to decipher the protists.
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